Archive for September, 2011|Monthly archive page

Fin and the shower cap

Came home to find this last night (and you wondered what your pets do while you are out!)


Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office

Ok, so lately I have been suffering from low confidence. I don’t know where it stemmed from and when it plans on leaving, but I have started paying attention to women who get ahead. This goes from women at work, to the girl on ‘America’s Next Top Model’ reality show. What I have noticed is, the girl who I dispise for being loud, pushy, self-assured and bossy, wins the competition, or the gets the promotion. Why? becaues they believe they derseve it, and they don’t let others get to them.

There is a fine line between knowing what you want and believing in yourself, and being plain arrogant, and that is what i am trying to figure out the secret to. The annoying b&*th on ‘next top model’ is loathed by everyone in the group, they gang up on her, leave her out, read her diary while she is in the shower, yet the judges and agents consistently say ‘she is confident, knows what she wants, speaks up in a crowd and stands out’

I had a situation at work where (i allowed) someone to present my work because i didnt know how to handle it in the moment and in front of client. What I realised afterwards, was I set myself up. I should have simply stood up and taken the microphone and make a little joke about jumping in. I could have found a moment, perhaps when there was a discussion going on or the tea lady opened the door, to quickly give him ‘the look’ to get control back where it belonged.

I’m not saying I have the secret, but I don’t want the fact I am over-polite and worried about what others think, hold me back from succeeding in life. I bought ‘the art of war for women’ (same author as ‘Why French Women Don’t get Fat’ and mentally coaching myself to be stronger and more assertive.

Robbie inspires me, everyone knows where they stand with Robbie, no one walks over him. Yes he is ‘in your face’ and brutally straight, yet his staff love working for him and respect him deeply. People ‘like’ me, but that won’t get me the corner office will it? Because I let other people steal my spotlight, talk over me, take my seat or simply have the last word because I don’t want a drama.

It’s time to face my fears and stand up for myself. WOOOHOOOOOOOOO

Oh, and I want to stop apologising for everything.

Sorry for the long blog,

sorry i just said sorry

this is going to take some getting used to

Yum dinner


Making a bad day good

When all else fails, get a hair treatment, manicure and pedicure (in bright ‘look at me’) colour


Fin and devoted dog walker

She let’s him drag here along the road. Bless 🙂


Mindshare’s Got Talent

Every year, Mindshare – which is made up of six departments- has a talent competition. The truth is real talent is hard to find, so generally speaking there are dance acts, singers who mime the words and men dressed as women. It’s all for fun but there is competitive spirit between the teams.

This year we didn’t have time to rehearse (last year rehearsals went on for two weeks and we won) because of work, so the concept of ‘Miss Universe’ was born the day before.

Costumes were borrowed from Channel 3 (they have a full wardrobe for their various drama shows) and being desperate, they roped me into being Miss Thailand! They coached me to say three things in Thai, which had everyone falling about in hysterics, for my on stage interview to win the crown. We has Miss Korea (who did a dance) Miss China (span paper plates on sticks- they were glued) Miss Taiwan (played a traditional instrument badly and got buzzed by the judges) Miss Cambodia (guy dressed as women who did lady gaga dance) and me. My talent was speaking Thai.

The funniest thing was we actually won. We rehearsed once! We also won the popular vote and some other prize. Hilarious. (except when my skin caught in the heap arm bracelet)

Here are some pics if my day including one of us on stage with our giant cheque






Worlds smallest cookie



It was time for my annual visa renewal which is always marked by a bit of drama. Firstly, you need a ‘medical’ also known as ‘a good way to make money out of expats via their corporations’ You are shepherded from one room to another as various nurses giggle and chatter around you.

Blood pressure check
Height (1 metre 75)
Weight (62kg)
Eye test (I couldn’t read the bottom line and she knew it but ignored my guesses and approved my 20-20 vision
Then the blood test, chest xray (with unflattering skull cap) and call back for one hour.
I do like the bathrooms though, purple orchards next to every basin and gold crowns etched onto the mirrors so you feel you are looking at the queen version of yourself!

You will be glad to know I don’t have elephantitus, aids, syphilis, or high blood pressure.
Oh, and my blood type is A+ (do you know yours?)



DIY smoothie

Here are the easy steps to living a long healthy life:
1) peel one banana and avoid eye contact with said mentioned fruit
2) add one table spoon of natural plane yoghurt
3) one splash ‘o orange sap
4) one splash ‘o mixed berry juice
5) handful of mixed frozen berries
6) handful of frozen strawberries
7) add one multi vit pill
8) blend til banana is indistinguishable
9) pour and serve

Rinse immediately otherwise you will throw the entire blender away rather than attempt to reach and remove the dried fruit splats.


Blue Jazz

Last night there was a charity party at the Blue Jazz Cafe in the Arab Quarter. One of my colleagues from work is a brilliant drummer and had put a set together with some other resident musicians. it was a fantastic turn out and great fun. Been a long time since I watched a live band I could sing along to!
I felt horrendous this morning, cancelled my taxi and got back into bed fully dressed and made up for another hour. Then I remembered the nasty tray of shooters someone bought….

Luckily/unluckily I had a flight to catch so checked my mails and went off to the airport for a Burger King and large Coke.

I then spent 55 minutes in a sodding taxi getting home thanks to beautiful Bangkok Friday afternoon traffic.

So fab to be home to my boys tho!


